conceptual design for a world-renowned auction house and gallery in hong kong

amplifying the excitement and vibrancy of the auction house
In 2020, atelier C+ is honored to participate in the concept proposal for an auction house and gallery project in Hong Kong for a world-renowned auctioneer. Our team faces the design challenge of fulfilling the detailed brief by the client, to envision their new Hong Kong headquarters to be a truly 21st-century auction house. The brief demanded state-of-the-art facilities for their auctions and exhibition halls.
"Skybox" - Amplifying the excitement and vibrancy of the auction house
The design proposal utilizes the building's key features, for instance, open up floor slab to connect between floors. The additional feature staircases and the auction hall’s “Skybox” transform the vertical dynamics between the floors, and provide the much revealed “wow” factors within these upper floors. It is our intention to preserve and amplify the excitement and vibrancy of the auction hall, to encourage openness and physical connection with the auctioneer, and to allow for a VIP box-seat area. Entry to the Skybox will be through the VIP lounge, which is adjacent to a private viewing gallery.
Gallery spaces are given a subtle and harmonious ceiling treatment, while another area such as the office’s reception was decorated with a more dynamic and modern tactile surface. The museum-quality lighting system is being considered within the interior fittings and possibilities of introducing further digital displays on the façade and some key interior spaces.
The lounge is planned as a gathering space in mind, it can be a casual and informal meeting place between clients, staff, and colleagues for PR activities. It serves the guests during auctions and other events, overlooking Hong Kong Island from its full-width balcony.
The office has a high specification of finishes including office furniture and workstations, glazed partitions and feature ceilings. The layout satisfies the client's detailed brief with a substantial increase in workstations and meeting rooms’ provision. The reception is lined with a dynamic wall and ceiling of LED installation projection, where the intention is to create a soothing background to the reception.
We are dedicated to creating a memorable experience upon entering the premises. We work on the design extend to details. We do hope guests would have a different experience every time he or she visits. More importantly, the creation could support the brand identity in the art auction industry and build the momentum in Hong Kong region.
world-renowned auction house
hong kong
50,000 sq.ft.
year of completion:
國際知名拍賣行和畫廊項目- 概念設計

於2020年,atelier C+ 有幸獲世界知名拍賣師邀請為其香港拍賣行及畫廊項目進行概念設計。我們團隊就客戶的詳細要求,希望將他們的新香港總部設計為為真正的 21 世紀拍賣行, 以及為他們的拍賣和展覽廳配備不同的設施。
SKYBOX – 提升拍賣活動的活力
設計方案利用了建築物的關鍵特徵,建立了一個讓人驚嘆的設計焦點,比如打通樓板連接樓層, 毗鄰觀景廊建設拍賣大廳(Auction House) 的’SKYBOX’ VIP座位區, 增設額外的特色樓梯, 不但製造一個較私人的空間, 亦提高整個拍賣活動的和活力。
畫廊空間(Gallery Space)設有和諧的天花處理,辦公室接待處裝飾具有動感和現代感的表面。 The Lounge 被規劃為一個聚會空間,設有全寬陽台俯瞰香港島, 可供客戶、員工和同事之間進行公關活動的場所, 亦可在拍賣和其他活動期間, 為客人提供餐飲服務。
我們致力於創造難忘的體驗,將設計工作擴展到細節。我們希望客人每次前來拍賣時都會有不同的體驗, 更重要的是,希望我們的創作可協助客戶將其國際藝術品拍賣的體驗, 在香港市場擴展和推廣。