Body Glow wellness and healthcare centre
design inspired by "returning to the origin of life"
Body Glow offers a one-stop solution in Pilates workout and chiropractic services to help clients build mind and body wellness through a range of tailored exercises and treatments. The project designer believes that the original concept of Pilates and chiropractor is bringing body enhancement and assisting people to new life through tailored exercise and treatments. The initial state allows guests to have an experiential journey of "rebirth".
As for the doctor consultation room at the chiropractic zone, it is also designed with a comfortable atmosphere and soft lighting, which is different from the cold and tense design layout in the market.
In order to respond to the theme of "returning to the origin", the designer uses a lot of natural elements, including natural wood, circles, curved lines, and plants. In particular, leaves represent the beauty of growth in nature, therefore leaves-themed mural arts are illustrated throughout the space. Furthermore, featuring decent wallpapers with textures that imitate the handmade woven arts.
In the overall space planning, the pilates area and the chiropractic zone are divided into the East and West wing with the greeting reception as the center. In the pilates area, there is one-to-one private studios and studios for groups of six. Guests are firstly greeted by a long curved corridor, this curious space is designed to be an enhancement of privacy and light penetration. In Chiropractic area, it has two doctor consultation rooms with a comfortable atmosphere, high-end technology treatment room, and private treatment rooms.
The team hopes that the spatial is consistent with the brand value proposition, guests could relieve the tension in their busy life, establishes a calm connection with the soul, and create an experiential journey in physical and mental relaxation.
body glow
tsim sha tsui, hong kong
2,800 sq.ft.
year of completion:
BODY GLOW 健康管理中心
設計靈感來自 『回歸 原點』
Body Glow提供一站式普拉提運動和全方位脊醫痛症治療服務,幫助顧客通過一系列針對性的運動和治療,為一眾提供身體保健治療和身心保養之道,令客人由內到外、從身到心也散發美麗健康光芒。設計概念方面,項目設計師覺得普拉提運動和脊醫服務的原理念,是通過針對性運動和治療,將身心靈調整回歸至人之初的狀態,讓會員開展尤如『重生』的生活喜悅。
設計氛圍上, 團隊採用自然柔和讓人可穩定情緒的粉橙色系,希望可為會員於繁華生活中, 營造一個舒適減壓之空間,讓身心靈休息一會,與朋友一起享受運動樂趣。至於脊醫會診室,亦以氣氛舒適配柔和燈光設計為主,有別市場上普遍給人冰冷緊張的設計布局。為了呼應『回歸 原點』的主題,設計師大量運用自然元素,包括原木材、圓型、彎線、植物為設計元素,當中樹葉代表森林中萬物成長,故此隨處可見以樹葉為題的元素,包括描繪葉子生長形態的一系列手繪壁畫,及模仿原始民族人手編織質感的特色牆紙。
整體空間規劃上,以接待處為中心,將普拉提運動區和脊醫服務區分為東西兩邊。於普拉提區,設有一對一獨立studio,及可供六人團體運動的studio,主體以孤型屏風牆作為分隔, 當中不同大小木條子可提高私隱度和光線穿透感。脊醫區設有兩間氣氛舒適的醫生會診室,大型高端科技治療儀器室及針對不同痛症儀器的獨立治療室。
body glow