FORMEX new workshop in hong kong
design inspired by "the sense of calm"
This is the the second collaboration to support your business development strategy with FORMEX Financial Press team. This 2400-sqft grade A office is located in Hong Kong with stunning harbour views. The design concept is inspired by the sense of calm. This workplace is designed to provide a comfortable ambience, and easing people into a relaxed state of mind for all stakeholders.
The main objective was to create an inspiring and relaxed space for client and their teams to collaborate at a fast working pace. The new space sets the art of wellbeing, warmth color palette and lightings are adopted throughout the space.
One of the highlights is the spacious Relaxation Lounge with a flexible dining layout. The snacks bar combines artistically designed lighting with bar table settling for social, events and informal working. It features premium coffee corners and hong-kong-styled snacks to encourage social interaction and community bonding.
formex financial press limited
central, hong kong
2400 sq,ft,
year of completion:
方訊(FORMEX) 財經印刷- 新辦公室
設計靈感來自 “the sense of calm"
感謝 Formex Financial Press 邀請atelier C+ 第二次合作為其新業務的發展項目。 這個佔地 2400 平方尺的甲級辦公室位於香港,享有壯麗的維多利亞海港景色。 設計理念的靈感來自於平靜的感覺, 希望為客戶及其團隊在快速的工作節奏下, 創造一個輕鬆的空間。
這個空間採用了溫暖的調色板和燈光, 其中一個設計亮點是 寬敞和靈活餐佈局的Relaxation Lounge, 設有輕鬆的Coffee Corner配以港式小食, 燈光與酒吧桌結合,適合社交和各類公關活動, 鼓勵客戶之間的社交互動。