design competition: Monte D'Oiro Wine Tasting Room, Portugal
year of completion
design inspiration from wine making process - "a moment with sunray"
Monte d'Oiro vineyard is located in the north of Lisbon in Portugal, nestled between the Montegunto Mountains and 20km from the Atlantic Ocean. The terroir is a combination of limestone and clay soil, with a Mediterranean micro-climate, Atlantic freshness and continual windy conditions. These unique characteristics enhance the quality with freshness and elegance, and becomes they very elements of this new wine tasting room.
The concept of 'a moment with sunray' of this new tasting room is inspired by the elements in wine making. Our team responds to the brief by focusing on the process of wine-making, and in particular the unqiue context of Monte d'Oiro. Monte d'Oiro is proudly described as 'Hill of Gold' by its owner, picturing the vineyard with sunlight shimmering on the vineyards. The design will have to capture this scenic beauty reflected in the design elements and also to provide a place for visitors to enjoy the stunning view.